Yelawolf: Inside the Mind of a Slumerican
Alabama rapper Yelawolf reveals his true feelings about women — or, as he calls them, "bitches." SF Weekly Had Hillary Clinton won the election, this article would have been different. But she didn’t, and Donald Trump did — and now I can’t look at a number of things,...
Salt Room Therapy On Shifty Ground
The Los Angeles Times Halotherapy is an alternative therapy for chronic respiratory and skin problems that is modeled after the salt caves and spas that originated more than 200 years ago. LOS ANGELES — Heidi Kling is reading in an all-white room. She’s shoeless,...
I Wore Pasties At EDC And It Wasn’t That Bad
LA Weekly It’s easy to make friends when you wear pasties at EDC. I would know. I did it last night. I didn’t plan for this to happen. When I packed for the festival, I chose regular clothes—shorts, tank tops, a sundress. You see, I’m not a raver and I’d never been to...
L.A.’s Smallest Radio Station, 97.5 KBU, Broadcasts Out Of A Malibu Bedroom
LA Weekly The KBUU-FM radio studio is in a ranch-style tract house, on a cul de sac on one of Malibu's few suburban-style streets. In what used to be Emily Laetz's bedroom, the detritus of a recently moved-out kid is everywhere. Puka shell necklaces hang near the door...
SF CHRONICLE: Booming Business Rooted in Oakland Pride
San Francisco Chronicle Running a business as large and varied as Oaklandish — ranked 33rd on Fortune’s list of the 100 fastest-growing inner-city companies in America last year — isn’t easy. On the eve of the brand’s recent yearly warehouse sale, with a website...
MIAMI NEW TIMES: Phillip Pessar Photographs Miami’s Rapidly Changing Landscape
Miami New Times Phillip Pessar's Flickr stream reads like a love letter to Miami. In roughly 9,600 photos, it tells the story of South Florida's ever-changing architectural landscape. "I'm trying to keep the memory of the few things that are left in South Florida."...
SALON: Time For A Typewriter Renaissance?
Salon IT WAS 4 P.M. ON A THURSDAY, two hours until the end of Jesse Banuelos’ workday. He was standing behind the front counter of Berkeley Typewriter, his trademark green apron tied around his waist. A dozen broken typewriters — some electric, but most of them manual...
BROWARD-PALM BEACH NEW TIMES: Twiggy Rasta Masta Is Keeping Hip-Hop “Based”
Broward-Palm Beach New Times IT'S SPRINGTIME IN HOLLYWOOD. The sky is cloudless and blue. Tourists bake in the sun and the Hollywood sign winks from the hills. A low-flying plane poops smoke trails overhead. On the rooftop of a 1920s apartment building, two girls are...
The Rise of Black Market Alcoholic Coolers in Oakland
The East Bay Express I'm sitting on the concrete floor of a garage, my back against a pole. To my right, a girl braids auburn weave into another girl's hair. Three teenagers sit on a couch to my left and a lone teddy bear, clutching a red velvet heart inscribed with...
A Deep East Oakland Neighborhood Reawakens
The East Bay Express Few people, if any, refer to the crossroads of Bancroft and Fairfax Avenues in East Oakland as the Bancroft-Fairfax Business District—and yet, there’s a sign at the intersection designating it as such. Most people know it by one of its older...
OAKLAND NORTH: After Oakland Hills Fire, Residents Build Off-The-Wall Homes
--Published on OaklandNorth.net on October 19, 2011-- Robert Pennell shifted the gear to neutral and parked the car along the side of the road. “There,” he said, pointing out the open window to a cluster of houses across the street. “That one is modern and the...
Cover Story: If Whales Could Shout, They Would
--Published on the front page of The Los Angeles Times on July 11, 2010-- In a noisy room, humans will yell to be heard, eventually giving up when communication becomes impossible. Now researchers have found that North Atlantric right whales, too, get louder in...