
I Wore Pasties At EDC And It Wasn’t That Bad

LA Weekly It’s easy to make friends when you wear pasties at EDC. I would know. I did it last night. I didn’t plan for this to happen. When I packed for the festival, I chose regular clothes—shorts, tank tops, a sundress. You see, I’m not a raver and I’d never been to...

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SF CHRONICLE: Booming Business Rooted in Oakland Pride

San Francisco Chronicle Running a business as large and varied as Oaklandish — ranked 33rd on Fortune’s list of the 100 fastest-growing inner-city companies in America last year — isn’t easy. On the eve of the brand’s recent yearly warehouse sale, with a website...

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SALON: Time For A Typewriter Renaissance?

Salon IT WAS 4 P.M. ON A THURSDAY, two hours until the end of Jesse Banuelos’ workday. He was standing behind the front counter of Berkeley Typewriter, his trademark green apron tied around his waist. A dozen broken typewriters — some electric, but most of them manual...

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The Rise of Black Market Alcoholic Coolers in Oakland

The East Bay Express I'm sitting on the concrete floor of a garage, my back against a pole. To my right, a girl braids auburn weave into another girl's hair. Three teenagers sit on a couch to my left and a lone teddy bear, clutching a red velvet heart inscribed with...

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A Deep East Oakland Neighborhood Reawakens

The East Bay Express Few people, if any, refer to the crossroads of Bancroft and Fairfax Avenues in East Oakland as the Bancroft-Fairfax Business District—and yet, there’s a sign at the intersection designating it as such.  Most people know it by one of its older...

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Cover Story: If Whales Could Shout, They Would

--Published on the front page of The Los Angeles Times on July 11, 2010-- In a noisy room, humans will yell to be heard, eventually giving up when communication becomes impossible. Now researchers have found that North Atlantric right whales, too, get louder in...

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