by Jessie Schiewe | Feb 20, 2014 | Lifestyle, Other Websites, Whole Life Times
–Published in Whole Life Times Magazine in August 2011– Like most war veterans, Barry Schweiger chose not to seek psychological treatment when he returned from active duty. “We’re taught in the military to endure pain and hardships, and to be incredible...
by Jessie Schiewe | Feb 20, 2014 | Lifestyle, Other Websites, Whole Life Times
–Published in Whole Life Times Magazine in March 2011– It’s no secret that humans develop aches and pains in the normal course of spending time on the planet, but while many people pooh-pooh it and carry on, Lulu Bhanda yoga teacher Kira Ryder notes that...
by Jessie Schiewe | Feb 20, 2014 | Green Magazine, Other Websites, Technology
Kevin McCallum walks carefully across the flat roof of the three-story walkup apartment building in Makiki. The founder of Cool Roof Hawaii is no stranger to rooftops and he’s not surprised by the deep cracks he finds in the black tar and gravel surface. The...
by Jessie Schiewe | Feb 20, 2014 | Green Magazine, News, Other Websites
–Published in Green Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-June 2011– Like many transplants from the mainland, Shanah Trevenna moved to Hawai’i sight-unseen. After a four-year stint as a mechanical engineer at IBM, she had a change of heart and decided that...
by Jessie Schiewe | Mar 31, 2012 | News, Oakland North, Other Websites
OAKLAND NORTH The table was a tableau of a meal interrupted: a platter of half-eaten roast chicken, a bowl of Jap chae noodles, a can of Diet Coke tipped over on its side, and dishes slick with the residue of dipping sauces, kimchi, and pickled vegetables. They...
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