Los Angeles Times If there’s one thing to be learned from "Sex and the City," it’s that women love high heels. Sure, they might be painful to wear and challenging to walk in (for some of us, anyway), but as the saying goes, beauty is pain. But blisters might not be...
The Los Angeles Times Articles
Australia’s marsupials originated in what is now South America, study says
Los Angeles Times The kangaroo, a beloved national symbol of Australia, may in fact be an ancient interloper. A study published Tuesday in the online journal PLoS Biology suggests that Australian marsupials — kangaroos, wallabies, Tasmanian devils and more — evolved...
Effect of Call-Based Counseling Rings True
Los Angeles Times The therapist-patient relationship is crucial to people battling depression, addiction, weight gain and diabetes. But that relationship might not always have to be in person to be effective. Over the last decade, numerous hospitals and clinics have...
Cover Story: If Whales Could Shout, They Would
--Published on the front page of The Los Angeles Times on July 11, 2010-- In a noisy room, humans will yell to be heard, eventually giving up when communication becomes impossible. Now researchers have found that North Atlantric right whales, too, get louder in...
Those big, round Lady Gaga contact lenses worry some doctors
--Published in The Los Angeles Times health section on July 14, 2010-- Call her super-talented or super-insane, there's no denying that Lady Gaga has a magnetic effect on young girls, inspiring thousands of young fans to don blond wigs, sheer lace leggings, yellow...
TV and children: Ads for fast food are up, ads for sweets and cookies are down
--Published in The Los Angeles Times health section on July 5, 2010-- TV isn't the same as it used to be, especially when it comes to children's shows. Though friendly faces such as Mr. Rogers and Barney the dinosaur used to be popular among kids, hyper-active...
Babies’ Bacteria Depends on Delivery
--Published in print in The Los Angeles Times science section on June 25, 2010-- Concern about a newborn's bacterial flora is not a topic you're likely to hear discussed in the waiting room of the maternity ward — but that may change. A new study has found that the...