SF CHRONICLE: Booming Business Rooted in Oakland Pride
San Francisco Chronicle Running a business as large and varied as Oaklandish — ranked 33rd on Fortune’s list of the 100 fastest-growing inner-city companies in America last year — isn’t easy. On the eve of the brand’s recent yearly warehouse sale, with a website...
OC WEEKLY: The Label That Says ‘Yes’ To Everyone
OC Weekly Record labels are exclusive by nature. They are purveyors of taste, harbingers of new talent. Getting signed is a milestone in any artist's career. But what happens if anyone can join a label? Does it still mean something? What happens to a member's-only...
MIAMI NEW TIMES: Phillip Pessar Photographs Miami’s Rapidly Changing Landscape
Miami New Times Phillip Pessar's Flickr stream reads like a love letter to Miami. In roughly 9,600 photos, it tells the story of South Florida's ever-changing architectural landscape. "I'm trying to keep the memory of the few things that are left in South Florida."...
Goth Money Records’ ‘Trap Goth’ Is Taking Over The Internet
LA Weekly At a Denny’s on Wilshire Boulevard, four of the six members of Goth Money wait eagerly for their first meal of they day. Even though it's two o’clock in the afternoon, they all order breakfast plates. Unfortunately, the cook is behind on his orders; their...
OC WEEKLY: Wiener Mania Offers A Sweaty Appetizer To Burgerama
OC Weekly The Australian band Step Panther arrived in Fullerton a few hours before their show at The Continental Room, so they decided to head to Costco. "We thought maybe they had guns there," explained singer Stephen Bourke. "Yeah, we just wanted to see some guns,"...
MIAMI NEW TIMES: Chromeo’s Dave 1 Talks “White Women” and the “Kanye School” of Music
Miami New Times David Macklovitch is almost naked during our interview. Unfortunately, it's over the phone. "Yeah, I'm walking around in my underpants, trying to figure out what jeans I'm going to wear," says the 36-year-old musician, also known as Dave 1, who makes...
With His New Vibe Rap Sound, Mani Coolin’ Is Heating Up
LA Weekly On a dead end street bordering the Hollywood Freeway, Mani Coolin’ sits on a stool in a makeshift home recording studio. His dad is here, as well as his producer, Jay Kurzweil, who owns the studio and lives in the adjoining apartment. A hazy, piano-laced...
Should California’s state rock be stripped of its title because it contains asbestos?
--Published in The Los Angeles Times science section on July 2, 2010-- Imagine yourself in an Old West film, standing in the middle of a deserted street flanked with saloons, hotels and brothels, the soundtrack from "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" wailing strong. At...
SALON: Time For A Typewriter Renaissance?
Salon IT WAS 4 P.M. ON A THURSDAY, two hours until the end of Jesse Banuelos’ workday. He was standing behind the front counter of Berkeley Typewriter, his trademark green apron tied around his waist. A dozen broken typewriters — some electric, but most of them manual...
LAist: 10 Best Used Bookstores In Los Angeles
LAist We may live in an age of digital and e-books, but don't let that fool you. Print is still alive in the City of Angels from Inglewood to Eagle Rock. The stores that made our list were chosen based on a number of criteria, like collection size, pricing, ambiance...
MIAMI NEW TIMES: Carol City Rapper N3ll Raps About “The Life of a Kid From a City That Doesn’t Understand Him”
Miami New Times If you follow internet rap, then chances are you've heard something from Miami's latest underground phonk rapper, N3ll. Though he's been making music since 2008, word has only started getting out about the young MC these past few years. His 2014...
The Breakfast Club’s Angela Yee Serves It Hot
Wesleyan Magazine "Don’t screw this up,” Jay-Z joked when he bumped into Angela Yee ’97 in the hallway. She laughed—she’d known Jay-Z for years and was used to his quips—but still, he was right. Oh man, she remembers thinking, the pressure is really on now. It had...