by Jessie Schiewe | Apr 22, 2019 | Arts & Culture, Cover Stories, News, SF Weekly
The unlikely music factory at Pinole Valley High School SF Weekly (Cover Story) The lunch bell rings at Pinole Valley High School, and hordes of teenagers swarm out of squat, rectangular bungalows. Since the fall of 2013, Pinole Valley’s 1,200 students have...
by Jessie Schiewe | Mar 20, 2019 | News, OK Whatever, Weird
Regular people are taking it upon themselves to make fixes and repairs around their cities, from cutting back overgrowth to filling in potholes. OK Whatever The next time you walk through your neighborhood, observe your surroundings. At a glance, everything might...
by Jessie Schiewe | Mar 20, 2019 | Lifestyle, OK Whatever, Recent
A lymphoma survivor investigates disease scamming — a growing trend of faking health tragedies to rake in donations. OK Whatever Most people didn’t know that I had cancer. They didn’t know why I stopped going to school or why I was suddenly absent from basketball...
by Jessie Schiewe | Feb 28, 2019 | SF Weekly, Weird
SF Weekly It was the night of Valentine’s Day and I was sitting next to my boo at Oracle Arena watching the Grammy-nominated singer Charlie Wilson. Flanked by four back-up dancers in light-up L.E.D. suits, Wilson had just finished singing the song, “Charlie, Last Name...
by Jessie Schiewe | Nov 7, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Cover Stories, Music, News, SF Weekly
The story of how four friends turned a barbecue in Golden Gate Park into a dance music empire. SF Weekly (Cover story) I’m standing in the center of a party bus, clinging to a stripper pole. Deep, molecule-rearranging bass music vomits out of the speakers, drenching...
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