Le Petit Petit Adds Malibu Native to the Brand

--Published in The Los Angeles Times on February 4, 2011-- Chloe did it with See By Chloe and Marc Jacobs did it with Marc. Now L.A.-based Le Petit Petit, which we  introduced here awhile back, is doing it as well. The brand's Malibu Native -- a less expensive, more...

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Effect of Call-Based Counseling Rings True

Los Angeles Times The therapist-patient relationship is crucial to people battling depression, addiction, weight gain and diabetes. But that relationship might not always have to be in person to be effective. Over the last decade, numerous hospitals and clinics have...

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Cover Story: If Whales Could Shout, They Would

--Published on the front page of The Los Angeles Times on July 11, 2010-- In a noisy room, humans will yell to be heard, eventually giving up when communication becomes impossible. Now researchers have found that North Atlantric right whales, too, get louder in...

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