MIAMI NEW TIMES: Kat Dahlia Talks Debut Album, My Garden

Miami New Times It's been a tumultuous three years for singer-songwriter Kat Dahlia. In 2012, the fledgling recording artist and former waitress signed a recording contract with Epic Records. A year later, she released her first single, the piano-laced hit "Gangsta,"...

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The Rise of Black Market Alcoholic Coolers in Oakland

The East Bay Express I'm sitting on the concrete floor of a garage, my back against a pole. To my right, a girl braids auburn weave into another girl's hair. Three teenagers sit on a couch to my left and a lone teddy bear, clutching a red velvet heart inscribed with...

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NY OBSERVER: Down & Derby, A Pop-Up Roller-Skating Dance Party

The New York Observer A few weeks ago, Vince Masi’s website,, crashed due to a virus. It has since been cleaned, resuscitated and put back online, but Mr. Masi has yet to recover. “It was a nightmare,” he said. “I think that was probably, like, the...

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A Deep East Oakland Neighborhood Reawakens

The East Bay Express Few people, if any, refer to the crossroads of Bancroft and Fairfax Avenues in East Oakland as the Bancroft-Fairfax Business District—and yet, there’s a sign at the intersection designating it as such.  Most people know it by one of its older...

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The Party That Never Ends

The East Bay Express It's Saturday night at The Layover and the bar is close to maximum capacity. People of all ages are crammed onto the tiny dance floor, their foreheads glistening with sweat as they shake and bob to the music. A gaggle of girls start twerking in a...

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A Cafe Oasis in Deep East Oakland

The East Bay Express The chances of finding a cup of coffee in deep East Oakland — not to mention a sandwich or a pastry to go with it — are relatively slim. The nearest Starbucks or Peet's is in Alameda or by the airport. So if you're jonesing for a cup of joe,...

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